Visiting Sonja and Alisa Fischer

From Lindau, the path leads over gently rolling hills past meadows and apple trees, with vines growing here and there. One last bend and then it reveals itself: an Italian country-style villa in the middle of a magnificent park, the VILLINO.

Mrs Fischer, when did you discover your passion for the hotel industry?

Sonja Fischer: For the first time when I was fifteen, when I was a schoolgirl helping out in the ‘first house’ in our village. I immediately realised that becoming a hostess was my thing, it was what I wanted to do for a living! I have fond memories of a very special event: I was allowed to take part in a staff outing and we went out to eat in a Michelin-starred restaurant for the first time. At the beginning of the 1980s, this was still something very special. I had never enjoyed a six-course meal before - after that I realised: this is my world!

And what was it like for you, Mrs Fischer?

Alisa Fischer: I practically grew up in the hotel and restaurant business and have been working alongside school since I was fifteen. My parents passed on to me the joy and drive to make guests happy. So there was no alternative for me, no other desire.

After completing a dual study programme, I went abroad and gained in-depth, practical experience in companies in London and the Maldives. After that, I returned home to Munich. An incredibly exciting and instructive time. In 2016, I had to make a fundamental decision. And after many discussions with my parents, it was clear: I was coming back to Lindau and have been here since 2017.

    You run the VILLINO together. Who does what?

    AF: First and foremost, of course, we look after our guests, but everyone also has their own specialisms. You'll find us everywhere, whether administrative or operational - except in the kitchen.

    SF: A very important pillar in our company is my brother Rainer Hörmann, who as a maître and renowned sommelier - we are certain that he is one of the best in Germany - has helped to shape the outstanding VILLINO image since 2000.

    What's it actually like as a mother-daughter team?

    AF: We are very close and spend a lot of time together outside of working hours. We both start the day with a coffee together and a brief meeting. That's our little ritual.

    SF: It's calm and relaxed. If things do get ‘tight’, we have a code word. That puts an end to the difficult situation. After work, the issues are brought up and everything is discussed.

    You are both passionate hosts. What motivates you to always give your best?

    SF: We motivate each other and think positively - even in crisis situations such as staff shortages. I always try to approach things with lightness and joy.

    AF: Our guests give us so much in return, which is very motivating.

    Your Italian country-style villa in the middle of the park is a beautiful property. What inspired you to create this style?

    SF: Before we bought the small carpentry workshop that became VILLINO, we travelled around Tuscany. This time inspired us. Visually, haptically and, of course, culinary.

    A great segue to the culinary skills of Toni Neumann, who has been cooking up a Michelin star for your restaurant with a talented young team for years. What makes his Cucina dei sensi so unique?

    SF: We developed this name, it is part of the VILLINO concept: the Asian-Mediterranean creations of Toni Neumann - who is also an indispensable, incredibly creative asset at VILLINO - and his young, talented team are designed to appeal to the senses - just like everything here with us.

    May is showing its best side and is making us look forward to summer. Do you have any tips for us?

    AF: Enjoying spring and summer in VILLINO in bloom is of course something special. Experiencing the apple blossoms on a walk in spring is a dream. Hiking along the vines in autumn is also a dream. Plus cosy time-outs in winter - the VILLINO is a real year-round destination.

    Last question: Do you have a favourite place at VILLINO?

    SF: I like the sound of water, like here by the pond in the park. A truly magical place, depending on the light and mood

    AF: My favourite place to retreat to is our cosy herb garden. It's a dream to take a little break there surrounded by fragrant herbs.


    You can reach Sonja and Alisa Fischer at or by email an

    Thank you very much for the lovely interview!


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